Speaking at a forum during the 7th anniversary celebrations of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy yesterday, former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew doubts if Singapore will be able to sustain a two-party political system as reported in Today newspaper article, Two-party system not good for Singapore, says Lee Kuan Yew.
A friend from China read the report and quoted the following passage from Chinese classic, Romance of the Three Kingdoms: 话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。周末七国分争,并入于秦。及秦灭之后,楚、汉分争,又并入于汉。汉朝自高祖斩白蛇而起义,一统天下,后来光武中兴,传至献帝,遂分为三国。Based on history, towards the end of the Han Dynasty in period 220 to 280, China was split into 3 kingdoms. My Chinese friend analyzed that in any nation, once the incumbent party's power wanes, it is likely that political power will eventually reach a balance and be shared amongst 3 parties. It is an interesting analysis and after doing a little research, even Korea experienced a long period of 3 kingdoms in history. I guess we will get to see at the next elections in 2016 if his analysis is correct.
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