Monday, October 01, 2007

Happy Children's Day

Children are such strange beings. Although they can be quite a nuisance by making a lot of noise and running around, I simply can't bring myself to reprimand them. Their boisterous banter is so amusing sometimes that I just can't help smiling, lest to scold them.

By some strange twist of fate, I've been helping out with some kids in recent times. However when the noise level gets unbearable, I would just have to calm them down. I too remember the times when I was a kid, when I had bountiful of energy and excitement especially when chatting with friends. In simple words, I've been there and done that.

October 1 is the day Singapore celebrates Children's Day and all children in primary school level would have a school holiday. For the children who have a brought a smile to my life and for the child in me, Happy Children's Day!

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