Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Guardian Angels

We all wonder at some point in time if there's really some higher being that watches over us and if there's some greater force that governs us. And really, even I am still wondering.

A friend was casually discussing about angels and how there's a hierarchy amongst them which I found interesting; there's seraphims, cherubs, archangels and more! Yet the image of an angel that most people can associate with is most likely one that resembles a guardian angel.

Be it whatever faith you believe in, if guardian angels exist, then it would be real sweet. What a wonderful feeling to have some being watch over and to protect you especially in times of trouble! Perhaps if we look around, we might see the guardian angels around us...

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God's love commits me here,
Ever this day be at my side,
To light, to love, and be my guide.

(See also: Wikipedia: Angel )

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