Tuesday, July 18, 2006

All Men are Cads and All Women are Sluts

The above title is definitely not pleasant to hear but far too often I've been hearing this. I have female friends who would tell me their problems and somehow or another it eventually concludes with "All men are cads." Then I would have male friends who sometimes in their frustrations reveal that "All women are sluts." If reincarnation existed, then I'd probably have been reincarnated from a huge ear.

The common grouse from girls are that guys are usually unfeeling to their needs and some are unfaithful. Yet the guys of their choice are those with either great flair or great wealth status. Perhaps it isn't obvious to them that those with great showmanship are usually Casanovas or also called Playboys. Also men who have achieved certain financial status (or in some cases they were born with a silver spoon in their mouths) are generally boring and less attentive to the needs of others.

The common grouse from guys are that girls are far too promiscuous and vain. They dress in revealing clothes and spend too much on personal indulgences. Yet it was most probably their looks that attracted the guys in the first place and most of such girls belong to the high maintenance category! Such girls love attention from guys and enjoy flirting around.

When we look at the bigger picture, we might realise that guys and girls tend to make the wrong choices when selecting a partner. The women tend to go for cads and the men tend to go for sluts. The guys seldom go for the decent plain-Jane kind of girls who are usually of the caring nature. The girls seldom go for the decent shy guy who usually works hard for his living. The same kind that would not hesitate when it comes to commitment and give his life for the family.

It is a trend that is pretty much going on and looks like I shall be hearing more of such complaints. (See also: The Usual Suspects)
*Note: The above article encompasses numerous generalisations and is a mere compilation of frequent feedback from my peers. It is in no way meant to discriminate against anyone.

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