A troubled friend shared with me his woes about the festive season. He was worried about his girlfriend who would complain about her waistline from all the eating and would that would indefinitely mean hell for him. He knew she loved chocolates but was hesitant to get her some for fear she would accuse him of fattening her up.
So I told him about a story that I had once read, The Lady and the Chocolate by Edward Monkton. The story begins with the chocolate trying to convince the lady to eat him with promises of pleasure. However the lady was adamant to his seduction and impeached him of causing fat and guilt just for that moment of pleasure.
As she bluntly refused to eat him, the chocolate began to shed a tear. Sadly he told her that his reason for existence was for people to eat him and now she was denying him the reason for his existence.
The lady was touched and eventually relented because she was a nice and generous woman after all. It proves that it wasn't so much the lady needing the chocolate but more like the chocolate who needed the lady. So being the gracious lady she was, she ate him and all was well in the world.
Well I guess it's okay as long as we practise moderation in our diet. After all, what's life without the occasional indulgence? Perhaps it's just that some girls are overly concerned about their weight. (See Waif Wife)
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