Friday, September 02, 2005

An Indian Ghost Story

A colleague had shared her experience while touring India some years back with friends and relatives.

It was on a faithful evening that the group had checked into a hotel for the night. It was more like a simple lodging in a grimy colonial-styled building. The group was split into 2 rooms, one with her male friends in one room and the other where she shared with her uncles. However due to availability of rooms, both rooms were on different ends of the corridor.

While checking into their rooms, one of the guys realised that he had not gotten back his passport from the customs while crossing the state border. So the group of guys decided head out back to the border in their van. My colleague and her uncles checked into their room at the corner first.

My colleague had taken a shower first before turning in to bed. Her uncles slept in the adjacent bedroom soon after but were woken by a strange female singing voice. Naturally they thought it was from their niece but she denied it and they decided to swop rooms. The episode felt creepy and instead of sleeping, they decided to check on the other group of guys who have been out for a considerable amount of time and should have been back already.

So the 3 of them walked with a torchlight along the dark corridor to the other room. When they reached, the room door wasn't locked and one of her uncles decided to go in and take a look. It was silent but from the faint silhouette, a bulge in the bed was visible. So the uncle decided to pull off the blanket covers to wake the guys.

To their surprise, it was an American couple in bed and when they stared out in shock, it was so incidental that the other uncle at the corridor was shining the torch in the direction of my colleague's face. My colleague has a very fair complexion and her hair was in a frizz after the earlier shower. The couple gave a loud shriek in horror and the 3 of them jolted and bolted off back to their room!

The 3 of them panted as they shut their room door behind them, but they were sure they had gotten the correct room. With so many weird things happening so far, they decided to turn in immediately and discuss matters in the morning.

The following morning when they proceeded to check out, the reception asked if anything strange had happened that night because an American couple who were still in their pyjamas, had checked out hurriedly in the middle of night after being haunted by a terrible female ghost. Apparently the other group of guys had had their room changed to a lower floor but as it was already late, they did not inform my colleague and her uncles.

Hope you enjoyed this true "ghost" story that my colleague had shared.

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