Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Why is it so hard to believe that a friend of mine decided to quit smoking?

In fact, it has already been quite some years that my friend had wanted to kick the habit. He knows his family doesn't like it and he's finding problems financing the ever-increasing prices of the cigarettes in Singapore. Yet every time he says he wants to quit, there are many non-believers who would give him a cynical snicker.

Being his close friend, I truly understand his situation and decided to give him my moral support. I formulated a simple 3Rs strategy for him to embark: R-Reduce, R-Relax and R-Resolve.

First step to quit smoking is to reduce the amount of cigarettes smoked per day. The target that most should aim for is at most half a standard packet of cigarettes per day (10 sticks). However, it is ideal that the lesser the amount, the better.

Most smokers create reasons for themselves to smoke. Many have picked up the habit due to stress and thus should work hard to tackle stress and remove reliance on smoking as a stress-reliever. Smoking does harm your health and will inevitably affect your performance, leading to more complications and even stress. Everyone should learn to relax and should close their eyes and take in deep breaths every once in a while. Exercising regularly also helps in relaxing as well as strengthening the body and mind.

After achieving the first 2 steps, the final step is to resolve to quit smoking. The truth is withdrawal symptoms are usually worst in the first 48 hours of quitting and usually last no more than 2 weeks. These symptoms are normal and are actually signs that your body is recovering from the harmful effects of smoking. That means after that all it takes is a firm resolution to stay away from cigarettes once and for all.

Lastly if you have a friend or relative who really wants to quit, you should give them your genuine support. You might not think it's much, but knowing that you care will make them think twice before lighting up. (See also: Quit Smoking)

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