My friend was down in the dumps and had asked me out for a drink.
He was in a pretty bad situation, having lent money to his so-called friends and hoping that they would return it as promised. Apparently his friends were desperate when they were begging him for help and were so grateful when they received it that they had promised to return the cash on time. Now it seems that money had flown off to a far-off land, for they are always delaying the payment, so much so that my friend doesn't have enough money to even pay for his phone bill.
This very same friend recently got a new job some friend had recommended to him that his parents aren't too agreeable with. To make matters worse, his new boss exploits his staff, making them do extra work without additional pay. My friend wants to put in his best but every corner he turns into, he bumps into disapproval, driving him almost to a state of depression.
It's a situation where you try to do your best in life, putting in your greatest effort and walk along the path that leads to happiness that so many tell you of but... where is the happiness that everyone yearns for? And in the case of my friend, why has things turned out so topsy-turvy?
Perhaps we are just walking on the wrong path. My friend has already fallen victim in trying too hard to please the people around him. He trods on a path of expectations laid out by people around him, thinking it will please them and eventually lead him to happiness. He is afraid to offend others and would willingly bend over backwards just to please them.
We need to find our own source of happiness, determine our own paths in life and not let others dictate how it should be. Life isn't about pleasing others, living the dreams of others and making decisions that please the most people. We must know what we want in life and seek out bravely to achieve it.
Here's a little question to tickle your minds: What flies without wings, dives without fear but melts in warm hands?
Thank you for all the sweet comments! You fellas really made my day =)
We need to find our own source of happiness, determine our own paths in life and not let others dictate how it should be. Life isn't about pleasing others, living the dreams of others and making decisions that please the most people. We must know what we want in life and seek out bravely to achieve it.
hear hear.
of course, if only it were so easy...
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