Friday, December 17, 2004

Rush Rush

The sands of time are trickling through my fingers so fast that the harder I try to grasp, the quicker they escape me. If I were an hour glass, the neck would probably be as broad as my waist. Time never seems to be enough for people who are busy. Perhaps my friend is right about how everyone of us are all caught in an amazing race. We all seem to be running though not all of us know our destinations.

It seems almost like yesterday when the year had begun but now it is already the year end and everyone is gearing up for the festivities. Christmas is only a week away and the new year is just round the corner. The town is bustling with people doing their last minute shopping. Apparently I am not the only one playing the "catch up" game.

I was in town shopping and watched people in their bright cheery clothes. Then I remembered I have a relative who is coulrophobic or afraid of clowns. During our younger days, whenever a guy dressed in clown suit approached us in the shopping malls, she would break down in tears, seeking for a place to hide.

There is a fear for almost everything. So what do call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?
Claustrophobics. Just joking and have a merry season!


Enigmatic Butterfly said...

sad but true story. actually, quite funny when I look back...

when i was young i was scared of santa. not because of his red costume or fat belly. it was his beard that scared me. everyone i knew, dad, uncles, etc never had beards like santa did. and so every time we went near him i would burst into tears because it unnerved me.

i remember a few instances when mum wanted me to sit in his lap so you could get the annual 'photo with santa' op, and yeh, i bawled every time. the only good thing was that i would get lollies. it's funny how young children can be swayed by something as minutia as a few sweets. I even remember feeling vaguely guilty as a child to take sweets from someone who i would continually cry over each time we came near him. i felt so bad for him. but i couldn't help it... the tears would just come, and next thing i'd be bawling.


the things little kids are afraid of.. *rueful smile*

Zan said...

Yes, we were all young once... but Time like a fleeting cloud is passing us by...

When we were young, our world is much simpler defined; happy or sad is like black or white. This is the season when kids are the most joyous, enjoying the holidays and waiting in eager anticipation for gifts.

It is amazing how even the simplest of gifts can light up the faces of children into bright glowing happiness.