Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Is a spade a spade?

I have a new favourite writer. Ever since I started blogging I have been quite a connoisseur of good writing because I began reading more extensively. I have dedicated more time to reading columns, forums and of course, other people's blogs. I have discovered that newspaper journalists/columnists are not necessarily the best of writers. In fact many of them are horrible writers; consistently making grammatical errors and often showing lack of depth of knowledge.

The title "Why can't I call a spade a spade?" caught my eye. The author Jeremy Lin brings forth his point on how voicing one's opinion requires responsibility in a clear and mature manner without showing unsubstantiated biases. I was impressed by his style of writing and was even more thrilled to find out that he was only 14 and already a Young Ambassador for the National Kidney Foundation's Children's Medical Fund. This fact alone can put many of our local journalists to shame.

Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are contradicting concepts. If everyone was entitled to this freedom, then inevitably it will infringe upon everyone's rights. The truth is as Jeremy puts it: Freedom of speech comes with responsibility. You have to be mindful of other people's feelings, just as you want others to respect yours.

Good writing is an art. Writers must realise that their works are expressions that will be read by others, more so for the so-called professionals. Bringing across a view shouldn't sound like unconstructive complaining but be well argued from different angles in a coherent manner. Only then will an effective message be transmitted. Hopefully, Jeremy will inspire the inadept writers to take more pride in their work. Meanwhile I shall wait in eager anticipation for the next Jeremy Lin article. Well done Jeremy!

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