Saturday, October 09, 2004

Butterfly Effect

I am surprised at how many people are suffering from the Virtual Insanity in my recent post. In a way I am dedicating this post to Enigmatic Butterfly. Some people wish they could go back in time to right the wrongs of the past; to vanquish all regrets and misgivings. How nice it would be to have control over time.

Then I remembered the movie The Butterfly Effect starring Ashton Kutcher, who in the show went back in time to desperately save his girlfriend. His character had the ability to warp himself through the fabric of time and with that ability he attempted to save his girlfriend from committing suicide. However, unexpectedly she dies in another manner. So desperately he goes back and forth in time but each instant he somehow further complicates matters, affecting his friends, his family and himself. There never seems to be a perfect situation.

The movie was named as such because scientifically, the Butterfly Effect is the propensity of a system to be sensitive to initial conditions. Such systems over time become unpredictable, this idea gave rise to the notion of a butterfly flapping its wings in one area of the world, causing a tornado or some such weather event to occur in another remote area of the world.

Every one makes mistakes in life and in some ways it is what makes us human. There was one point in my life when I finally said to myself that I shall not do anything I will regret. Even if I really had the ability to go back in time, at that moment in time, I still would have made the same decisions I made in the past; there would not be a thing I would have liked to change, so there is no point in regretting. When I have made up my mind about something, there would not be any more looking back.

Yet it would still be nice if I could see the future, because then I will be a rich person as I would already know the results of the lottery! However jokes aside, we should take life as it is, inclusive of all its ups and downs, for that is what life is about after all.


Enigmatic Butterfly said...

Yaay Me!! I get a post dedicated to ME!! LOL.
*calms down*

Following your discussion on that Ashton Kutcher movie (which I haven't seen), the closest I can relate to it, would be an episode of the Simpsons, where Homer goes back in time, and as soon as he gets there, he think to himself, 'ok, what was that piece of advice that Dad gave me?' and it was, 'If you ever go back in time - don't move!' and of course, Homer moves. He kills a mosquito, and everything changes....the entire episode revolves around the things that result from every step he makes. My favourite is his 'fantasy' world, where it rains donuts, and he walks out, just before it happens. (you know, a subtle take on, 'if i had just waited *one* *more* *second*')

Anyhow, I just find it funny that his dad ever thought to give his son advice like, 'if you ever go back in time.' What kind of drugs was he on to give advice like that anyway?? Like there are that many chances that you can go back in time.... lol

Man, i love The Simpsons... warped humour, subtle jibes, sarcasm.. what's there not to love? *grin*

Zan said...

Oh boy do i love Simpsons as well... it is real amazing how they can pack so much of 'subtle' messages in every episode. i think i even like Simpsons more than South Park. Anyway the Simpsons never fail to bring me to laughter.

Hmm maybe when you get the chance in future, you can borrow the movie DVD to watch or something. It really shows how screwed things can turn out even when you have the best of intentions.

Enigmatic Butterfly said...

it's actually interesting that you put up the plot for 'butterfly effect'. i had always thought from the ads, that the movie looked a bit like a horror movie. I'm not a big fan of scary movies... the last one i technically saw was 'final destination' and that creeped me out to no end. I went to bed that night absolutely freaked out, and tempted to wake up the entire household, so i wouldn't have to go to sleep in the dark. LOL.

but yes, i'll see how things go, and depending on my mood at the end of the week, i might end up renting the dvd. either way, i know i'm going to see at least one movie this week. my thesis will be over on wednesday, and my supervisor told me that i can take the weekend off. so i'm going to catch up on all the movies i wanted to see for the whole year, not to mention go and get some retail therapy!! yeah!!! lol