Monday, June 04, 2007

Days go by

The days really go by so fast. Just a blink of the eye and it's already the middle of 2007!

2007 has been one hectic year for me and as I take time to reflect on the time that has passed, I realised that life seems to have a strange way to work its way out somehow. It's so amazing like pieces of a puzzle that at the beginning make no sense but they all fall into place piece by piece eventually.

Some things we do today but not knowing where they'll lead us to eventually. As the Desiderata puts it, "And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."

Dirty Vegas - Days Go by
You are still the whisper on my lips
I feel it at my fingertips
It's pulling at my skin
You leave me when I'm at my worst
Feeling as if I've been cursed
With a cold within

Days go by and still I think of you
Days when I couldn't live my life without you
Without You

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