Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sweet smile of innocence

Today I did volunteer work again. This time was taking the trainees from Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore Employment Development Centers (MINDS EDC) out for a day of fun activities. The EDCs comprises of specific services for adults with intellectual disabilities and the core focus of the services are to promote the social and economic integration of these adults into gainful mainstream activities, so as to enable them to lead a meaningful life independently.

We brought them first for an educational tour at the NEWater plant in Bedok. NEWater is the brand name given to reclaimed water produced by Singapore's public utilities. More specifically, it is treated wastewater (sewage) that has been purified using dual-membrane (via microfiltration and reverse osmosis) and ultraviolet technologies, in addition to conventional water treatment processes.

This was then followed by picnic lunch by East Coast Beach and games organised by the group of volunteers. We played a few games including a round of charades and the trainees thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Many of them had difficulties in articulation but when we got them to act, sing or dance, they seemed like totally different people altogether.

Seeing their happy faces brought joy to my heart. In fact, there was one particular girl who spoke to me regarding her sister during lunch and I could tell how much she cared for her. So I told her that her sister was lucky to have a sister like her and she smiled. It was really quite an unforgettable smile, so sincere and innocent that it went straight to the heart.

The innocent gratitude of all the trainees made all the hard work of organising worthwhile.

Something light-hearted for the end: Why don't oysters do charity?

Because they are shellfish (selfish).

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