Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon -- A phrase made popular by a movie of the same name starring Chow Yun Fatt. In Chinese, the saying refers to many talents hidden within our midst.

Indeed in our world there are many crouching tigers and hidden dragons. It is a fact that the prime movers of our world are seldom the politicians, unlike what most people might think. The people who make the most impact to our lives are usually those who emerge from humble backgrounds and drive the world with their passion and discoveries. Take for example, Thomas Edison who developed a practical incandescent, electric light that revolutionised the use of electricity for lightings in the home and wherever. Yet he started off being poor and was a school drop-out.

Almost everyone knows the famous Mickey Mouse and its creator, Walt Disney who rose to great heights from his farmland beginnings through his hard work, creativity, ingenuity and resilience. To date, Disney's productions have inspired and charmed many generations of kids and adults alike.

The truth is that in our world's history, some governments have even been known to impede innovations and advancements towards making the world a better place for all of us. Like a relative once told me that those with power are likely to abuse their power, it's just a matter of the extent. So it is not unusual why those with the authority may not be the best people to help shape the world.

As Albert Einstein puts it: Yes, we have to divide up our time like that, between our politics and our equations. But to me our equations are far more important, for politics are only a matter of present concern. A mathematical equation stands forever.

If you have the aspirations and enterprise to improve the way the world works, be it by stimulating arts, empowering innovations or even contributions to communities, you can find avenues other than a career in politics. After all, the path of politics is said to be dark and winding.

What the world really needs are crouching tigers and hidden dragons. Who knows one of them might already be in our midst?

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