Sunday, January 16, 2005

Hectic Hiatus

It is strange how people always seem to have excuses for being busy. Even I am contemplating whether my hiatus from blogging is just a mere excuse. Fortunately I think it isn't. My week has been rather hectic. The company I'm working for deals in specialised equipment that had seen a sudden surge in demand due to the Tsunami crisis. I had even sacrificed my Saturday to ensure matters are in order. As a form of professional respect for my job, you may have realised that I have not divulged much details of career. Basically I am not here to sell my company (or its products and services for that matter) and neither is my blog dedicated to rants of my work life.

The Tsunami tragedy has affected Asia greatly and people around the region are doing their parts in their own little way. Many Singaporeans have donated generously and some have even played more active roles in the humanitarian efforts, which I feel is commendable. I have a friend who was also rushing work for the logistics of the SAF (Singapore Armed Forces) which had concentrated their humanitarian aid in the badly hit Aceh region of Indonesia. My company had received rush orders but knowing the fact that they would be used in the tragedy stricken areas, a certain part of me just decided to put in that little more effort in my discharge of duty.

Anyway some of you who pop in from time to time may have noticed my blog being in a renovation state. That is partly because for the past week or so, the main site was in the process of migrating host servers. I am thinking of taking the opportunity to upgrade the blog as well. Feedback is welcome.

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