I have reached my milestone of at least 50 blog posts. When I first started blogging, I was wondering if I could really come up with so much things to talk to about in my blog. Now that I have reached 50 in a period of about 2 months, I feel good enough to reach the next milestone of 100.
Some readers have asked me how much of what I blog is true. To be honest, most of the facts are there but I have jumbled them up to become a half-truths sometimes. I believe in honesty and try to make remain faithful to the truth as far as possible but it is with necessity that sometimes I disguise facts so that the blog is easier to read. If some of the posts I were to report it as it had happened, the entire encounter would bore people. Another reason why I disguise certain facts is more so that the people I mention in my blog would have their identities protected. Most of my friends can be considered as shy and it is no point that I identify them readily when I can bring out a point without affecting their reputations. The assurance I give to my friends is by respecting their privacy.
There is no actual need for me to hide under an assumed anonymity and some of the views are words that I stand by. In fact I do take a serious view on what I have written to be copyright as my intellectual property. I do take pride and effort coming up with the blog and would even proofread the entire chunk when I am done. I welcome people to refer to my work but of course the due credit and proper links must be in order. Although being partially anonymous is more of a convenience, it is there to protect the sanity of my simple life which also includes those around me.
Coming back to the question, you can be assured that most of the stuff in my blog is original and the real deal. I see no need to sensationalise stories. It is a certain pride that all true writers possess and at the end of the day, honesty is still the best policy.
Congratulations on your 50th Blog post!! And here's to another 50 more!
*throws confetti everywhere*
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Well, it didn't fall quite the way I wanted to, but you get the picture. =)
Thanks for your support and encouragement!
Really appreciate it ^_^
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