Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Right frequency

While attending a close friend's wedding dinner, I was seated with one of my friend's colleague who works in an aircraft radio workshop (which does repair and maintenance on aircraft radio and communications components). He was telling us that amongst the entire aircraft maintenance facility, the radio workshop was the most "productive" when it came to love relationships as there were already five married couples from the workshop alone. So inevitably he and his colleagues would gossip (oops, I meant "discuss") over lunch in the canteen to explain this phenomenon. They came to the conclusion that it was due to the nature of the job - as while fixing up aircraft radio components, the staff had to sit at workbenches beside each other all day long, thus giving Cupid (the mythical God of love, often depicted as a baby-like angel with a bow and arrow) the chance to aim his arrow properly and bring the couple together! In other workshops and other job functions, the staff would be so busy running around the facility, rushing to meet unhumanly deadlines that Cupid would find it hard to get a good aim. In some cases, Cupid misses and even hit the wrong targets, ha! So the moral of the story turns out to be if you want to find love, don't always be rushing around as in the worst case, Cupid might miss and you might end up loving the wrong person! All of us at the dinner table felt enlightened after the story as it all seemed to make sense... in any case, it does have some logic to it.

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