Saturday, September 08, 2007

True Freedom

After learning about Humility from a wise person, I've become somewhat enlightened. It's strange how the concept of humility also relates to the concept of freedom.

For centuries, humans have even fought in the name of liberty - freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control; freedom from external or foreign rule; independence. Freedom can be defined as the power to determine action without restraint; the absence of or release from ties, obligations; the power to exercise choice and make decisions without constraint from within or without.

Yet it seems impossible not to fall under the influence of our environment. In some ways or another, we are always "constrained" by certain values or external factors. If that is the case, then freedom would just exist as an idealistic concept. Freedom relates to choice and at a personal level if we are not free to choose what we want in life, then we can never truly experience freedom.

Many people are living the expectations of others and thus are "constrained". Some perform well in examinations because it is "expected" of them; some get into certain careers because it is their parents' "expectations"; some set out to live out a high life defined by what is socially "expected" success. True freedom should come from within. True freedom should be to break free from these "expectations".

Humility is about a knowing oneself and true freedom can actually be derived from this concept. By knowing about one's own ability and limitations, one can set out to achieve things within one's means. There is no need to benchmark oneself against others or compare oneself against the social "norms". By knowing where one stands, one can truthfully plan to achieve what one defines as success.

Therefore, knowing oneself is a powerful tool and a step towards true freedom.

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