Thursday, August 02, 2007

Better Bus Service

(See also: World Class Transport System)


Recently, the news announced that the Public Transport Council (PTC) will be imposing stricter service standards on bus operators. Buses will now have to arrive every 10 minutes, at least during weekday peak hours, 80% of the time. With allowances for deviation, PTC Chairman Gerard Ee said the current 15-minute standard can drag waiting time to 20 minutes, so this should be further reduced. This is amidst news of fare hikes.

Service standards encompass more than just the above and many Singaporeans feel if they are paying more for public transport, they expect better service. A disappointed passenger had posted on the Straits Times Stomp! showing the poor condition of the local buses with water seepage, cockroaches and torn seats. Though transport companies have issued statements of corrective action, they need to be mindful of the ride experience of passengers.

Also, many are concerned about bus breakdowns and who can forget the time when a SBS Transit service number 182 burst into flames at Tuas in January this year. Fortunately, the driver and its 14 passengers managed to escape unhurt. Bus operators need to keep an watchful eye over maintenance of the buses to prevent disastrous breakdowns and accidents.


With the new service standards in place, we can only wait and observe if things will truly turn for the better.

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