So I woke up a little later than usual, then read the papers while having a leisurely breakfast. I lazed around for most part of the noon, only checking my email and catching up on a little reading. In the evening, I treated myself to a nice dinner at a nearby restaurant. I haven't had the chance to be so relaxed in quite some time and the time out really feels so refreshing and rejuvenating.
Yet I cannot understand the looks of disbelief from people who seem to feel that I had wasted a day's of leave, even from my boss. Those people would take great pains to plan their leave and off days, with a whole list of things to do and places to go. Some would plan short getaway trips to perhaps some resorts, while some would plan a day out for shopping with friends or some other activities to fill the day. They feel that the day off must be fully utilised as it's hard to come by.
However, most of the time, such people end up feeling drained after their off days. For that moment of enjoyment, they would go back to work feeling doubly exhausted and the frustration easily sets in from a lack of mood to start work. The annual leave that a company usually grants an employee is originally intended for the individual to get rest, yet many think otherwise.
My leave should be a time when I can do some of the things I enjoy in a relaxed pace, to restore my sanity and also energy. Only then can I take on more of what the world has to give.
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