A smile flashed across my face as I watched a little boy toying with his grandfather's mobile phone during my journey in an MRT train. The adorable boy had held the phone to his ears and held a mock conversation. The elderly man could only wait till the "conversation" was over before urging his grandson to return the phone. I remember the saying that all babies are born innocent.
However I have a friend who begs to differ. He feels that a person is born into this world to suffer. The evidence he gives is that every baby cries when they are born and people cry when they are sad. Apparently the first physical expression a baby displays is crying. Yet it is not conclusive to suggest that we are brought into this world to suffer. Scientifically babies cry to exercise their lungs and for certain animal species the cries of the infant allows the mother to identify and locate the child. There is no direct indication that the baby cries because it is in pain or suffering.
Giving birth to a child is a huge responsibility. There are many things parents must consider when providing for a child; the cost of food, planning for education, entertainment, not to mention the headache of guiding the child to avoid bad company, explaining the birds and the bees and a neverending list of monetary and emotional investments. Maybe that is why many people choose to be single or even if they are married opt for one or two children only.
With each passing generation, life seems to be getting harsher. The globalisation phenomenon creates a fast paced society with intense competition. Children at age 3 are already expected to start picking up useful skills like reading. In Singapore parents try to give their child the best by enrolling them in numerous courses starting from a tender age. In fact I once overheard a mother hurrying her daughter to finish her hamburger while reading out her timetable consisting of violin lessons, tuition and many more. A child's life these days seems way more hectic than mine.
Perhaps my friend does have his point when he feels against bringing a child into this world to suffer. Yet the world of the future belongs to the children. Each generation faces a different world but the world belongs to them. However as the Desiderata tells us: With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
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